
Showcases / Artistic and academic practice [Lecture within the Department of Object Design at the Lucerne School of Design, Film, and Art]. March 18, 2025. HSLU, Viscosistadt, Lucerne, Switzerland.

New book: Forum d’Architecture Lausannes (2025). Pictorial Composites: Blurring Boundaries – Ambiguous Realities. Philipp Schaerer. [Exhibition catalogue: Selected Works from Philipp Schaerer’s Artistic Practice and Student Works]. Texts by Maria João Cunha, Clémentine Coléou, and Philipp Schaerer. Over 500 pages and 400 illustrations. Graphic design by Nina Flaitz & Nicolas Bernklau. Published by Forum d’Architecture Lausanne (F’AR). ISBN 978-2-8399-4414-4.

Exhibition „10 Ons Stalla Madulain“ (with Renato Amstad, Chrissy Angliker, Mirko Baselgia, Laura Bott, Robert Bösch, Amshu Chukki, Reto Crameri, Marco D‘Anna, Gina Fischli, Li Gao, Franz Gertsch, Conrad Jon Godly, Robertson Käppeli, Peter Knap, Dirk Koy, Jani Leinonen, Sara Masüger, Daniel Meuli, Kazuyo Okushiba, Rolf Sachs, Philipp Schaerer, Dominique Teufen, Olga Titus, Not Vital, Ester Vonplon). Vernissage: 28.12.2024, 4-7 pm. Exhibition: 28.12.2024 - 15.03.2025, Stalla Madulain & Stalletta, Via Principela 16,/2424. Madulain. Switzerland.

Exhibition. Schatzkammer Sammlung #9. Group show. Curated by Lisa Christ and Patrick Frey. [Selected work:“Projection, View No. 1”, 2022]. Kunstmuseum Olten. Exhibition: November 30, 2024 – April 4, 2025. Kirchgasse 8, Olten, Switzerland. Kunstmuseum Olten

Built Images [Online lecture: within the Cornell Seminar "The Back Wall"]. November 6, 2024. Cornell University, Architecture, Art, & Planning; Department of Architecture, USA.

Artist Talk [On the occasion of the exhibition "Philipp Schaerer: Crossbreeds - Imaginary Still Lifes"]. September 27, 2024. Loop, Weststrasse 118, 8003 Zurich, Switzerland.

Exhibition „Pictorial Composites: Blurring Boundaries - Ambiguous Realities" [a selection of works from the artistic and academic practice of Philipp Schaerer within the context of contemporary digital image production]. September 18 - October 24, 2024. Forum d’Architecture de Lausanne F’AR, Av. Villamont 4, 1005 Lausanne. Switzerland.

Upcoming solo exhibition "Crossbreeds - Imaginary Still Lifes". Vernissage: August 29, 2024, 6 PM. Opening hours: Thu. & Fri. 2 - 6 PM. Finissage: October 4, 2024, 6 PM. LOOP, Weststrasse 118, 8003 Zurich. Switzerland.

Artist Talk with Philipp Schaerer [Lecture on the occasion of the members' assembly and artwork acquisition by the 'Förderverein Kunstmuseum Thun']. April 23, 2024, 7 pm. Kunstmuseum Thun, Switzerland.

The Förderverein Kunstmuseum Thun has acquired two works from the Offset Series (2022) for the collection of the Kunstmuseum Thun, Switzerland

Built Images [Lecture: within the studio of Mariabruna Fabrizi & Fosco Lucarelli (Microcities / Socks-Studio)]. April 4, 2024. École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est (ENSA), Paris, France.

Reconfigured Realities [Online lecture: within the studio of Prof. Thordis Arrhenius]. February 20, 2024. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Blick in die Feuilletons mit Philipp Schaerer [Talk with Florian Hauser]. January 4, 2024, 8 am. Radio SRF 2 Kultur

Participating in the exhibition Cantonale Berne Jura 2023 at the Kunstmuseum Thun (16.12.23 - 21.01.24) and at the Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf (02.12.23 - 21.01.24)

The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design in Oslo acquires six works from the Bildbauten Series for its permanent collection

Article Press: Donski, B. (2023, November 27). Thuner Kunstpreis. Wenn die grosse Welt an einem kleinen Ort zu Hause ist. Der Bund (ISSN 1421-1769). p. 24. > PDF (German)

Honored of receiving the Art Prize of the City of Thun, awarded at the Culture and Congress Center Thun, November 24, 2023. > Media Release (German)

Participating in the group exhibition: Hand and Machine. Architectural Drawings. The National Museum. Brynjulf Bulls plass 3, Oslo. Exhibition: November 3, 2023 - February 11, 2024. The National Museum Oslo

Depicting domesticity, a discourse through images [Presentation and discussion with Pier Vittorio Aureli, Nicola Braghieri and Filippo Fanciotti - on the occasion of the exhibition "The Sky in a Room, Domestic Landscape and Synthetic Fine Arts"]. November 21, 2023. 6.30 pm. SG 294.22. Faculty of Architecture,  ENAC,  EPFL,  Lausanne/CH.

Color Composites - Philipp Schaerer [Keynote Lecture]. School of Architecture - Master. FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). May 26. 2023. Campus Muttenz, Basle/CH

Participating at the Bex & Arts - Triennale 2023 with Reto Steiner. Vernissage May 13-14, 2023. Fondation Bex & Arts. Le Parc Szilassy, CH-1880 Bex.

Blauer Montag: Philipp Schaerer [Lecture: As part of the lecture series: Unvernünftige Maschinen, oder was wird aus der (digitalen) Architektur?]. March 27, 2023. 6 pm. ZHAW, Blauer Saal, Tössfeldstrasse 11, 8401 Winterthur. ZHAW

Participating in the group exhibition: Fait Machine - code - sur le fil [Exhibited installation: The Closet. Phantoms of Reality. A collaborative work by Philipp Schaerer & Reto Steiner]. Musée Internationale des Arts Modestes (MIAM), Sète, France. Vernissage: February 1, 2023. Exhibition: February 17, 2023 - November 16, 2023. MIAM

Participating in the Stalla Madulain winter group exhibition: Vernissage: December 27, 2022. Exhibition till March 2023. Via Principela 15, Madulain. Stalla Madulain & Stalletta

Lecture: Gebaute Bilder - Virtual Worlds [within the Diamond Speech series of the Digital Festival Olten]. September 24, 2022. Stadttheater Olten, Switzerland. 

Artist Talk: Philipp Schaerer. On the occasion of the exhibition Dissected Nature. September 13, 2022. Kunstmuseum Olten.

Exhibition: Philipp Schaerer. Dissected Nature. Exhibition: September 4 - November 6, 2022. Kirchgasse 8, CH-4600 Olten. Kunstmuseum Olten

New interview: Schaerer, P. (2022, March). Constructing The View [Fabrizio Ballabio, Interviewer]. STOÀ - Architectural Design Pedagogies. Issue No. 3. pp. 28-37. ISBN 978-88-32072-15-0. > URL

Colloquium: Philipp Schaerer and Rosario Marquardt (R&R Studios, Miami) in conversation with Sauter von Moos and the curators. [on the occasion of the exhibition Some Fragments - Sauter von Moos]. Thursday March 31, 2022 at 4 p.m. Sign up: Museum im Bellpark

NFT screening & auction at the Segantini Museum in St Moritz: Aturalis Codex P8a [UNICEF charity auction on the occasion of the crypto conference congress CFC 2022]. UNICEF NFTs

Talk: NFTs: Connecting Communities, Connecting The World. Participants: Nadieh Bremer, Rudolf Budja, Philipp Schaerer and Bill Tai], CFC Crypto Conference St. Moritz, January 13, 2022, 3.15 pm. Suvretta House, St. Moritz. CFC St. Moritz

Exhibition: Bun di NFT. Group Show. Digital Fine Art by Conrad Jon Käppeli, Roberston Käppeli, Jani Leinonen, Philipp Schaerer, Wendy Yu, Zimoun. Vernissage: December 27. 2021, 4-7 pm. Exhibition: 27.12.2021 - 13.03.2022. Stalla Madulain

Exhibition: Cantonale Berne Jura 2021. Group show. [Exhibited work: Codex N Series]. Vernissage: December 11, 2021, 11 am. Exhibition: December 11, 2021 - January 23, 2022. Thunerhof, Hofstettenstrassse 14. Thun/CH. Kunstmuseum Thun

Exhibition: Atlantis im Sinn. Group show. Organized by 6 1/2 - Zimmer für Zeitgenössische Kunst. [Exhibited work: Phantoms of Reality, a collaborative work by Philipp Schaerer and Reto Steiner]. Vernissage: November 26, 2021, 7 pm. Exhibition: November 27 - December 18, 2021. Leutschenbachstrasse 44, 8050 Zurich/CH. www.sechseinhalb.ch

Exhibition: Landschaftt - erforscht, interpretiert, konstruiert [Group exhibition: Curated by Cornelia Ackermann & Susanne Sauter]. Vernissage: November 4, 2021, 6.30 pm. Exhibition: November 4, 2021 - January 16, 2022. Trudelhaus Baden

New article: Liechti, P. (2021, October). Kunst zwischen See und Sprungturm [The Viewer / Philipp Schaerer]. Thun Magazin, No. 5/2021. pp. 24-25. > PDF (German)

Exhibition: Kunst im Strandbad [Group exhibition. Organized by Fondation Jetzt Kunst]. Vernissage: October 23, 2021, 5 pm. Exhibition: October 24 - December 5, 2021. Strandbad Thun/CH. Jetzt Kunst No. 11

Contribution to the book: Traumstation - Geheimagent Traum (October, 2021). Edited by The Missing Link. Contributed chapter: Dream - Image - Architecture. (1st ed., Pp. 328-342). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess. ISBN 978-3-03942-018-6 6

Exhibition: Altitude +1000. Photography Festival [Group exhibition: Curated by Nathalie Herschdorfer]. Vernissage: August 29, 2021, 11.30 am. Exhibition: August 29 - September 20, 2021. Vallée de La Brévine, Le Locle/CH. Alt.+1000

New website online: www.constructingtheview.org featuring a selection of student work from the fields of art and architecture as documentation of various teaching modules directed by Philipp Schaerer.

Lecture: Reconfigured Realities - Built images. University of Virginia, Summer Design Institute Lecture, School of Architecture. July 19, 2021, 6 pm (ET). Online through zoom [open to all]. About the lecture. Register

Archizoom Talk: 20x20x20 Talk [Online presentation and talk with Pablo Martinez Diez and Mar Santamaria Varas, moderated by Alexandors Fotakis]. March 23, 2021. Faculty of Architecture, ENAC, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne EPFL. Archizoom EPFL

Participating at the exhibition: Memory - Über die Erinnerung und das Vergessen in ungewöhnlichen Zeiten [Group exhibition: Curated by Dorothee Messmer and Miriam Edmunds] at Kunstmuseum Olten. January 23 - April 18, 2021. Kunstmuseum Olten 

Exhibition: The Closet. Phantoms of Reality [A collaborative work by Philipp Schaerer & Reto Steiner] at Kunstraum Satellit, Thun, Vernissage: November 12, 2020, Exhibition: November 13, 2020 - January 12, 2021. Kunstraum Satellit

Interview: Das Künstler*innendasein: Philipp Schaerer im Gespräch mit Sabine Rusterholz [On the occasion of the exhibition "Kunststipendien der Stadt Zürich 2020"]. July-August, 2020. Recorded interview

Participating in the group exhibition: Üna Stà Cun [Artists: Chrissy Angliker, Mirko Baselgia, Laura Bott, Gina Fischli, Li Gao, Conrad Jon Godly, Robert Käppeli, Robertson Käppeli, Constant Könz, Jani Leinonen, Daniel Mäder, Sara Masüger, Kazuyo Okushiba, Philipp Schaerer, Luis Schmidlin, Mazina Schmidlin-Könz, John Springs, Dominique Teufen and Not Vital].  July 18 - August 30, 2020. Stalla Madulain & Stalletta

Participating in the exhibition: Kunststipendien der Stadt Zürich 2020 [Group exhibition] at Helmhaus, Limmatquai 31, 8001 Zürich. Exhibition: July 11 - August 30, 2020. Helmhaus Zurich

Talk and panel discussion: Images and Dreams - conversations on the subconscious in images, dreams and spaces. [Participants: Olaf Knellessen (psychoanalyst), Noel Nicolaus (clusterduck), Franceline Saby (architect), Chiara Salmini (systems analyst) and Philipp Schaerer] ETH Zurich, HIL777, Wednesday 26, 2020, 6pm. Architektura - ETHZ

Talk and panel discussion: Swissness Applied - about the confluence of image, architecture, and place [Participants: Maya Alam, Brennan Buck, Erin Besler, Nikole Bouchard, Jonathan Louie, Nicole McIntosh, Cynthia Davidson, and Philipp Schaerer; moderated by David Turturo] Yale Architecture Gallery, 180 York Street, New Haven, USA. February 13th at 6:30pm. Yale Architecture / Yale University

Participating in the group exhibition: Cantonale Berne Jura [With the pictorial work "Offshoot No. 8"] at Espace d'Art Contemporain - Les Halles, Porrentruy. Exhibition: December 8, 2019 - January 19, 2020. EAC - Les Halles

Participating in the group exhibition: Cantonale Berne Jura [With the pictorial work "Chicago Series"] at Kunstmuseum Thun. Exhibition: December 14, 2019 - February 9, 2020. Kunstmuseum Thun

Published interview: Free your Imagination [Andri Gerber in conversation with Philipp Schaerer. In: Architectonic of Game Space - The Spatial Logic of the Virtual and Its Meaning for the Real. Editors: Andri Gerber, Ulrich Götz. pp. 95-110]. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2019. Transcript Verlag

Participating at the Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa 2019 with the pictorial work "Ornament and Découpage" as a contribution to the exhibition What is Ornament [Curated by Ambra Fabi and Giovanni Piovene]. Vernissage: Friday, October 4. Exhibition: October 5 - December 1, 2019. Culturgest, Lisbon. 2019 Trienal de Lisboa

Artist Talk at the Musée des Beaux-Arts du Locle MBAL. Marie-Anne-Calame 6, Le Locle. October 1, 2019, at 6 pm. MBAL

Resident artist on Gapado island (Jeju Province, South Korea) for 2019; invited by committee members from the MoMA Museum, Tate Modern and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea. Residence run by Hyundai Card Korea. Gapado AIR

Participating in the group exhibition: Fiction and Fabrication [Curated by Pedro Gadanho and Sérgio Fazenda Rodrigues] at Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Av. Brasília, Central Tejo, Lisbon, Portugal. March 20 - August 19, 2019. MAAT Lisbon

Exhibition: The Unobtrusive Beauty of the Banal - Anonymous architecture between reality and abstraction [Solo show: Pictorial work "Pamplona Series"] at Palacio del Condestable, Pamplona, Spain. March 13 - April 29, 2019. COAVN, Navarra

MoMA Collection - Acquisition: 4 pictorial works from the "Chicago Series, 2017" incorporated into the permanent collection of The Museum of Modern Art MoMA New York. Date of acquisition: October 16, 2018. MoMA New York

Lecture at School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg HEIA-FR, Auditoire E. Gremaud, Bd de Pérolles 80, Fribourg. December 10, 2018, 5.30 pm. HEIA Fribourg

Lecture: Learning from at OSA Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, Palazzo Turconi. November 19, 2018, 7.00 pm. OSA Accademia di Architettura di Mendriso

Lecture: Teaching and Learning [As part of the exhibition République Géniale] at Kunstmuseum Bern. Tuesday, October 16, 12 am. Kunstmuseum Bern

Participating in the group exhibition: Model of Thoughts [Artists: Thomas Hauri, Peter Märkli, Thea Möller, Boris Rebetez, Philipp Schaerer, Hagar Schmidhalter] at BALTSpojects, Bernerstrasse Nord 180, Zurich. October 12 - November 17, 2018. BALTSprojects

Centre Pompidou Collection - Acquisition: "Diary 27.01.2005 - 29.10.2017, 178'173 Records" incorporated into the permanent collection of the Centre Pompidou. Date of Acquisition: August 13, 2018. Centre Pompidou Paris

Screening: Imaginary Composites - Reconfigured Realities [As a contribution to the exhibition “République Géniale"] at Kunstmuseum Bern. August 18 - November 11, 2018. Kunstmuseum Bern

MoCP Collection - Acquisition: 5 pictorial works from the "Chicago Series, 2017" incorporated into the permanent collection of the the Museum of Contemporary Photography Chicago. Date of acquisition: May 24, 2018. MoCP Chicago

Lecture and round table: The architectonics of virtual spaces [Organised by Prof. Andri Gerber, Institute Urban Landscape, ZHAW Winterthur, in collaboration with Werner Oechslin] at Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin, Einsiedeln, Switzerland June 9, 2018. Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin

Participating in the group exhibition: Coding The World [Curated by Frédéric Migayrou] at Centre Pompidou, Paris, Galeries 3 & 4, Level 1. June 13 - August 27, 2018. Centre Pompidou Paris

Participating in the group exhibition: Driftende Bauten [Curated by Hans-Peter Miksch] at Kunst Galerie Fürth, Germany. February 9 - March 25, 2018. Kunst Galerie Fürth

Exhibition: Offshoots - Philipp Schaerer at AFF Space, Münstergasse 4, 300 Bern. Exhibition: December 15, 2017 - February 17, 2018. AFF Space

Participating at the Chicago Architecture Biennial 2017 with the pictorial work "Chicago Series" as a contribution to the exhibition A Love of the World [Curated by Jesús Vassallo; Artists: Alexander Apostol, Filip Dujardin, Daniel Everett, Scott Fortino, Katharina Gaensler, Veronika Kellndorfer, Luisa Lambri, Marianne Mueller, Philipp Schaerer, David Schalliol and James Welling] at Chicago Cultural Center, USA. September 16, 2017 - January 7, 2018. Chicago Architecture Biennial 2017

New Constructing the View website online [A selection of student works compiled from taught courses related to the field of art and architecture, lectured by Philipp Schaerer]. www.constructingtheview.org

Talk and discussion: Imaging Architecture [With Florian Idenburg (Principal SO-IL), Simon Castets (Director Swiss Institute NYC) and Philipp Schaerer] at Design Miami Basel, Hall 1. Wednesday, June 14, 2017, 6.00 pm. Design Miami Basel 2017

Lecture as part of The Colin Rowe Lecture Series at Royal Institute of British Architects, 66 Portland Place, London, UK. May 30, 2017, 6.30 pm. Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)

Participating in the group exhibition: Infosphere [Curated by Peter Weibel, Giulia Bini and Daria Mille (ZKM)] at Centro National de las Artes (CENA), Mexico City. May 26 - September 3, 2017. CENA Mecixo City

Lecture at Forum d'Architecture Fribourg, Ancienne Gare, 1705 Fribourg. March 14, 2017, 6.30 pm. Forum d'Architecture Fribourg FAF

New book release: Corpora Delicti  Magma et Principes - the significant detail in architecture [Contributors: Luca Ortelli, Nicola Braghieri, Dieter Dietz, Harry Gugger, Christian Inderbitzin, Kersten Geers, Philipp Schaerer, Christophe van Gerrewey, Martin Fröhlich, Ines Lamunière] "Copy - Paste", pp 57-76,  Manslab, EPFL, 2017, ISBN: 978-2-8399-2068-1. Corpora Delicti

Lecture: Constructing the View [AFF Tomorrow Talk Series], Wedekindstrasse 24, Berlin, January 20, 2017, 7pm. Tomorrow Talk Berlin

Essay: Gebaute Bilder for DOMUS Magazine, Jan/Feb 2017, No 23 (German Edition), pp. 154-159. DOMUS (German Edition)

New book release: Seamless - Digital Collage and Dirty Realism in Contemporary Architecture [Author: Jesus Vassallo, featuring the collaborations between Filip Dujardin and Jan De Vylder, Philipp Schaerer and Roger Boltshauser, and Bas Princen and OFFICE Kersten Geers David van Severen] Park Books, 2016, ISBN 978-3-03860-019-0. Park Books

Participating in the group exhibition: Structuras with the pictorial work "Linard, Kesch, D'Esan"[Artists: Hans Danuser, Gina Fischli, Emil Michael Klein, Daniel Mäder, Dominique Teufen and Philipp Schaerer] at Stalla Madulain, Via Principela 15, Madulain. December 27, 2016 - January 2017. Stalla Madulain

Participating in the group exhibition: Cantonale Berne Jura 2016/17 [With the pictorial work "Niesen" and "Cropped Series"] at Kunsthaus Interlaken, Jungfraustrasse 55, Interlaken. December 10, 2016 - January 29, 2017. Kunsthaus Interlaken

Lecture: Konzept - Digitale Materie at Schweizer Baumuster-Centrale, Weberstrasse 4, 8004 Zürich. December 15, 2016, 6pm. Schweizer Baumuster-Centrale Zürich

Workshop at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture,  Master Programm: Urbanism and Societal Change, Copenhagen. December 5-8, 2016. KADK Copenhagen

Lecture: Mythen und Materie at Architektura, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, 8093 Zurich. November 23rd, 2016, 7 pm, Architektura, ETH-Zurich

Lecture: Constructing The View at Archizoom, Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering ENAC, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Foyer SG. November 21, 2016, 6 pm. Archizoom, ENAC, EPFL

Lecture: Built Images at FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Visual Communication Institute, Aula, Basel. November 3, 2016, 5.15 pm. FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Basle

Set design for Pandæmonium [A cinematic dance-theater concert by Nichole Canuso Dance Company, Geoff Sobelle and Early Morning Opera - directed by Lars Jan, set design by Philipp Schaerer] at FringeArts, Philadelphia, USA. September 14-17, 2016, 8pm. FringeArts Philadelphia

Lecture and roundtable: On the Surface: Photography and Architecture - Crossing Borders, Shifting Boundaries [4th International Conference, AIA Panel] at Architecture School of Porto University (FAUP). September 30, 2016. Architecture School of Porto University

Lecture: Built Images at Bauhaus Weimar University, Audimax, Weimar. Juin 7, 2016. Bauhaus Universität Weimar

Participating in the group exhibition: Cabanon Project [Artists: Hans-Christian Schink, Joel Tettamanti, Sebastian Lippok and Philipp Schaerer] at EAST Laboratory, Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering ENAC, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne. June 2016. EAST EPFL

New Book Release: Bildbauten - Philipp Schaerer. Edited by Reto Geiser with contributions by Nathalie Herschdorfer, Martino Stierli, and Philipp Ursprung. Standpunkte, Basel 2016 (First English Edition). 96 pages, 32 plates in full color, hardcover, 210 x 280 mm. ISBN 978-3-9524577-0-2. Standpunkte Books | Amazon.com

Solo exhibition at BALTSprojects, Bernerstrasse Nord 180, 8064 Zurich. Exhibition: April 16 - May 21, 2016. BALTSprojects, Zurich

Participating in the group exhibition: Big Data goes Art [With the pictorial work "Diary"] at SAP Headquarters, Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 20, 69190 Walldorf, Germany. April 22 – July 31, 2016. SAP Kunst Germany

Exhibition: La Narration du Quotidien - Philipp Schaerer et le LAPIS disposent les objets trouvés par des étudiants de l'EPFL at Forum d'Architectures Lausanne, Avenue Villamont 4,  Lausanne. March 3 - March 28, 2016. Forum d'Architectures Lausanne

Lecture: Constructed Realities. Zum Verhältnis von medialen Praktiken und der Konzeption von Architektur [Organised by "Kunstgeschichtliches Institut an der Goethe-Universität] at Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM, Frankfurt. February 16,2016, 7 pm. Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM, Frankfurt

ZKM Collection - Acquisition: Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (ZKM ) acquires the work "Diary" into its collection. ZKM Karlsruhe - Collection

Participating in the group exhibition: Projects nobody asked for at BALTSprojects, Bernerstrasse Nord 180, Zurich. December 18, 2015 - January 16, 2016. BALTSprojects Zurich

Participating in the group exhibition: Globale - Infosphere [With the pictorial work "Diary"; curated by Peter Weibel, Giulia Bini and Daria Mille] at ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. September 4, 2015 - January 31, 2016. ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany

Workshop: Smoke on the Water - Lac Léman: Visions et Utopies [Participants: Dominique Rouillard, Nicolas Moulin, Gian Piero Frassinelli (Superstudio) and Philipp Schaerer] at LAPIS, Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering ENAC, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne. September 8 - 10, 2015. LAPIS, EPF-Lausanne

Participating in the group exhibition: Room in Room [With the pictorial work "Bildbauten"; Artists: Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Axel Hütte, Veronika Kellndorfer, Carsten Krohn, Kirstin Rogge, Philipp Schaerer, Susanne Schuricht, Hiroshi Sugimoto and Sinta Werner] at Grüntuch Ernst Lab. Auguststraße 11–13, Berlin. July 17 - September 20, 2015. Auguststraße 11–13, Berlin

Participating in the group exhibition: Endless House - Intersections of Art and Architecture [With the pictorial work "Bildbauten"] at the Museum of Modern Art, New York City, USA. June 27, 2015 - March 5, 2016. Museum of Modern Art, New York

Participating in the group exhibition: Egli 1/12 [With the pictorial work "Eglistrasse"] at Eglispace, Eglistrasse 8, Zurich. June 6 -14, 2015.

MOMA Collection - Acquisition: New York's Museum of Modern Art is acquiring two "Bildbauten" into its permanent collection. Museum of Modern Art, New York

Participating in the group exhibition: Cantonale Berne Jura 2014/15 [With the pictorial work "Le Géant de Troie"] at Musée Jurassien des Arts Moutier. December 14, 2014 - February 1, 2015. Musée Jurassien des Arts, Moutier

Participating in the group exhibition: A City's Wonders at the TIPHF Tirana International Photo Fest 2014. FAB Gallery Tirana. November 3 - 10, 2014.

Lecture: Bilderbauen at Architekturforum Bern. Kornhausforum, Kornhausplatz 18, Bern. November 25, 2014. Kornhausforum Bern

Lecture: Architectural Representation at TU Berlin, Institut für Architektur, Chair of Prof. Christophe DM Barlieb, Technische Universität Berlin. June 2, 2014.

Lecture: On Immediacy [Organised by Rice Design Alliance (RDA) and Rice School of Architecture, Rice University, Houston] at Museum of Fine Arts, Houston's Brown Auditorium.  February 5, 2014, 7 pm. Rice Design Alliance, Houston 

Lecture and conversation at the symposium: Constructing the View at the Irish Museum of Modern Art [Participants: Dennis Gilbert, David Grandorge, Fiona Kearney, Shelley McNamara, Mark Pimlott, Philipp Schaerer, Alexandra Stara, Thomas Struth, Michael Wolf]. Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin. November 2, 2013. IMMA Dublin

Lecture: Digitales Gestalten at Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. July 30, 2013. Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Darmstadt

Lecture: Built Images at Politecnico di Milano, Architectural Design Studio I, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. June 20, 2013. Politecnico di Milano - DAST

Talk: Quo Vadis at EWZ-Selection [Participants: Alex Goldsmith, Gian Paul Lozza, Ronny Ochsner and Philipp Schaerer]. ewz-Unterwerk Selnau, Zurich. May 28, 2013. EWZ Selection

Lecture: Analog Digital at NTNU Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art Trondheim, Norway. May 2, 2013. NTNU Trondheim

Lecture: About Representation at Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, Palazzo Turconi. March 12, 2013. Accademia di Architettura di Mendriso

Participating in the group exhibition: Concrete - Architecture and Photography [With the pictorial work "Bildbauten"] at Fotomuseum Winterthur. March 2 - May 20, 2013. Fotomuseum Winterthur

Artist talk and conversation [Participants: Burkhard Hilty, Sophie Schmidt, Julia Steiner and Philipp Schaerer, moderated by Petra Giezendanner and Sara Schmidt] at Kunstmuseum Thun. January 20, 2013. Kunstmuseum Thun

Lecture: Realism versus Fiction [Cycle de conferences: Voluptas] at Maison de l'Architecture de Genève. Palais de l'Athénée de Genève. November 16, 2012. Maison de l'Architecture de Genève

Exhibition: Transformator - Roger Boltshauser with images by Philipp Schaerer at Architekturgalerie Berlin, Karl-Marx-Allee 96, Berlin. November 2 - December 15, 2012. Architektur Galerie Berlin.

New book release: Transformator - Roger Boltshauser with images by Philipp Schaerer [Editor, Preface: Ulrich Müller. Contributors: Otto Kapfinger, Martino Stierli, Martin Tschanz, 94 pages, Ernst Wasmuth Verlag Tübingen, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-8030-0761-2] more information

Participating in the group exhibition: Obsessions [With the pictorial work "Bildbauten"; Curated by Nathalie Herschdorf] at  La Filature, Mulhouse. March 16 - April 29, 2012. La Filature, Mulhouse

Participating in the group exhibition: Cantonale Berne Jura 2011/12 [With the pictorial work "Nature Morte"] at Kunsthaus Langenthal. December 10, 2011 - January 15, 2012. Kunsthaus Langenthal

Participating in the group exhibition: Cantonale Berne Jura 2011/12 [With the pictorial work "Nature Morte"] at Musée Jurassien des Arts Moutier. December 10, 2011 - January 15, 2012. Musée Jurassien des Arts, Moutier

Lecture and conversation: Visions [Talk about architecture and image with François Charbonnet (Made in Sàrl) and Philipp Schaerer] at Kunstmuseum Basel. September 20, 2011. Architektur Dialoge Basel

Participating in the group exhibition: Engineering the Landscape [With the pictorial work "Bildbauten"; Curated by Nathalie Herschdorfer]. Forward Thinking Museum FTM

Participating at the night projection and screening at the Festival Voies Off des Rencontres d´Arles. Court-yard of the Archbishop's Palace. July, 2010. Prix Voies Off 2010, Arles

New book release: Philipp Schaerer - Bildbauten [Edited by Reto Geiser with contributions by Nathalie Herschdorfer, Martino Stierli, and Philipp Ursprung]
Standpunkte, Basel 2010. Standpunkte, Basel

Exhibition: Bildbauten: Architectural Imagery by Philipp Schaerer at Berlage Institut, Botersloot 25, Rotterdam. November 24, 2009 - January 22, 2010. Berlage Institute Rotterdam

Participating in the group exhibition: All over the place [With the pictorial work "Bildbuaten"; Curated by William A. Ewing], New York Photo Festival, New York City, USA. May 13 - 17, 2009. New York Photo Festival